Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ultimate Leanness

You’ve been dieting for a while now with great success. You’ve shed your layer of winter blubber and now you’re ready to show everyone the new you.

Maybe there's a high school reunion you plan on attending and you've been focusing on looking your best. If you're lucky the theme will be Hawaiian, with beachwear encouraged. Sure it's vain, but it's fun to show all those women who wouldn't go out with you back in school what a stud you've become. (Abs can be the best revenge!)

You can already see striations on your chest, a six pack now replaces the keg that was once there, and your legs look like tree trunks. All the hard work you've done leading up to this moment has paid off and you’re happy. But ask yourself, is there anything you can do this last week that'll make you stand out just a bit more than anyone else there? Maybe even stand out a lot more? You bet there is! It’s called "7 Days To Ultimate Leanness" and it puts the finishing touches on your physique.

Will This Work For Me?

The "tricks" contained here were learned in helping competitive bodybuilders prepare for their shows, but any person who's in relatively lean shape (can see abs when flexed) can benefit from this seven day course of preparation.
This progression of physique-tightening days works well for those prepping for the lake, a big weekend BBQ, vacations, reunions, first date impressions, strip show performances, or for whatever occasion you want to look your best.

If you're slightly bigger and can't see abs, the effects and final result won't be as noticeable as someone who's already relatively lean. Remember, this is a "fine tuning" program, not an overhaul!

Okay, so you have one week to prepare. What can you do to look your best seven days from now? Well, let me go over several key techniques we'll employ and what they aim to accomplish. Hopefully, since you're lean already, you have some kind of base tan. Nothing shows off a lean, hard physique like a nice bronze color. Seriously, the difference is night and day! If you don’t have a tan and you hang with Casper, you can always use an over-the-counter self-tanning application. Just make sure to try it out first so you don’t wind up looking like a Sunkist orange or Freddy Krueger. You want attention at this event, yes, but not because you're a laughing stock!

Techniques Used

Carb Depletion and Loading — Here we’ll take advantage of our muscles' ability to absorb up to one and half times more muscle glycogen after being in a depleted state. Along with our water restriction and skin tightening techniques to follow, this will create very large, full muscle bellies with cuts and striations. We'll carb load with very little sodium, thus ensuring full muscle bellies and literally no subcutaneous water (water between the skin and muscle) to blur definition

Water Loading and Depletion — Here we'll trick our bodies into expelling excess water to get that paper-thin skin look, thus letting those exploding muscles almost burst through! For the first three days we’ll water load. The last three days we’ll slowly reduce our water while we continue to carb-load in a sodium-free environment. We'll be carb depleting during the sodium loading phase and carb loading during the sodium depletion phase. You’ll understand why as we move along.

Sodium Loading and Depletion
— This goes hand in hand with the water loading and depletion. You'll load up on sodium to get the body used to very high amounts for a few days. The last few days when you cut down your water, you'll cut out all sodium. It’s literally impossible to eat zero sodium, so that's the purpose of the sodium load. You'll make a little bit of sodium in the diet seem like absolutely nothing due to the three days of extremely high sodium intake. The result is your body letting go of every bit of subcutaneous water, leaving you dry, paper thin, and ripped to satan! You're also cutting out water as the days progress, but are still expelling it at the rate you were while water loading. This is key!

There are a few supplements you'll need as well and they can all be obtained legally over-the-counter. Many may use other prescription diuretic drugs during this time, but that's not needed, nor is it encouraged. You can use just about any "water shed" type of over-the-counter diuretic. The info contained here will help you achieve your desired results, so dangerous drugs just aren't needed.

The Countdown Begins!
Our hypothetical event is Saturday, so we’ll begin eight days earlier, as there are some pre-seven day techniques we must utilize to make the final days very effective. So, for our Saturday event, we begin the second Friday before.

All supplements will be taken in the same manner daily, with the exception of the carb loading phase. Protein shakes and bouillon cubes (used for the sodium load) are to be taken with the water you're allotted each day. You may also salt your meals if desired. The amount of water, carbs, protein, etc. you're to ingest will differ based on weight. The amounts below are indicative of a subject weighing about 220 pounds. You'll want to adjust up or down based on your weight. Remember, you should be in relatively good shape for this process to be productive.

Let's say you're 10% bodyfat or less. Here's how you'd adjust the program, up or down, based on weight. These are general guidelines from instruction and experience; your individual needs may vary, so just use this as a starting point.

Water: You'll want to adjust the amount of water by about 2-3 cups per every 10 pounds you deviate from our hypothetical example. Below I recommend two gallons per day because I'm using a 220 pound guy as an example. A 230 pound person would consume two gallons, plus those 2-3 cups. If one weighed 210, he'd drink 2-3 cups less than two complete gallons.

Carbs: The depletion days would be the same as far as timing of meals. To figure out your amount, you should be eating an amount in grams that's about three times your bodyweight in clean carbs during the carb-up phase. In other words, if you weigh 200 pounds, you'll need to eat 600 grams of carbs. This will differ based on bodyweight, but it's pretty accurate.

Protein: During the depletion phase, you want to get about 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of lean bodyweight. During the carb load phase, you can concentrate on carbs as the main focus and get as close to your bodyweight in protein as you can. For these three days, you can consume just your bodyweight (or a little less) as the focus is the carb up. You need only enough protein for maintenance; we aren't building or rebuilding anything
right now.

Sodium/Salt: During the salt loading phase, all sizes of bodybuilders will benefit by salting all food and by using a bouillion cube in water, morning and evening. I've never seen this to be size dependent so there are no recommendations on how much salt you should have. The key here is making the body think it's taking in a ton of sodium, which it is. After this loading phase, you'll want to get as close to zero sodium as you can for those three or four days. It's impossible to consume no sodium, so the sodium load makes the body "think" it's receiving none at all, as it's used to extremely high levels.
A little confusing right now, I know, but everything will click as we break it down day by day. Let's get started!

Friday — Perform a quick two-set-per-body part workout utilizing high reps (12-15) followed by a posing session to "squeeze out" all that subcutaneous water. Post-workout have some kind of MRP (meal replacement powder) with about 25 grams of carbs and 50 grams of protein. (Remember to adjust these numbers if you weigh more or less than 220 pounds.)
For the second post-workout meal, have half a cup of oats and two chicken breasts. Take 300 mgs R-ALA and 50 mgs Vanadyl Sulfate (VS) with your MRP and second post-workout meal. (The ratio of carbs to protein is different than normal post-workout percentages, as usually it’s two parts carbs to one part protein.)

Saturday — Perform 40 minutes of morning cardio, just enough to get a sweat going. You should not be stimulating the quads doing this cardio. The only carbs you should take in today are half a cup of oats at meal one and an MRP after posing practice at 5:00 p.m.
Again, 300mgs R-ALA and 50mgs VS apply to both carb meals and all similar carb meals for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. You should shop for your water, bouillon cubes, ALA, VS, diuretics, rice cakes, honey, Raisinettes (yes, the candy) and other accessories today.

Sunday — This is the first stage of the carb depletion phase. Perform 40 minutes of morning cardio. After cardio, take one bouillon cube: drop it in hot water and drink. There's usually about 2000mgs of sodium in each cube, so it’s pretty strong! Our sample 220 pound guy gets two gallons of water today. He'll use water from this two gallons to make his bouillon drink.

Have half a cup of oats at meal one with three scoops of low or no-carb whey protein. Meal two will be flax oil and protein, meal three beef only, and meal four flax and protein powder again. Perform a workout doing arms (3-4 sets, high reps) at 4:30 or so, and have an MRP as post-workout meal number one and half a cup of oats and chicken for post-workout meal number two. The beef should be 8-10 ounces and relatively lean. At this stage, trim excess fat away.

As far as your shakes, have three scoops of protein in each one, or about 60 grams of protein (again, for our 220 pound example). Use water from the two gallons in the shakes. Have another bouillon cube at night, also using water from the two gallons. Drink all of the water. This is very important! You want to totally flood the body with salt and water today.

Monday — This is the second stage of the carb depletion phase. Perform 40 minutes of morning cardio. Today you won't eat oats at meal one, just have lean beef. Have a bouillon cube with meal one using water from the two gallons again. Meal two will be flax oil and protein; meal three will be beef only; and for meal four you'll have flax and protein powder again.

Your workout today is chest and shoulders (3-4 sets of each, high reps) at 4:30 or so with posing to follow. Have an MRP for your post-workout meal, and one and a half cups of oats and chicken for post-workout meal number two. Again, have the bouillon cube at night.

Tuesday — This is the third stage of the carb depletion phase. Perform 40 minutes of morning cardio. No oats at meal one, just lean beef again. Have a bouillon cube with meal one using water from the allotted two gallons. Again, meal two will be flax oil and protein, meal three will be beef, and meal four will be flax and protein powder.

Your workout today is for back, traps, and calves (3-4 sets of each, high reps). Consume no post-workout carbs, just a regular low or no-carb protein shake (with no flax oil) for post-workout meal one. For post-workout meal two, have beef only. Take a bouillon cube and drink it down using water from the two gallons.

Prepare chicken and sweet potatoes for the next day. You'll use fresh chicken breasts, not the frozen variety which have been drowned in sodium broth. This is one time it must be fresh!

Wednesday — Now we enter the first stage of the no-sodium carb loading phase. Perform 40 minutes of morning cardio (last session of the program!). Water allotment today is one gallon. Meals should be eaten every two hours. Drink water after, not during, each meal to avoid bloat.

Boil chicken in distilled water or bake plain and shred it up. Mix it in mashed sweet potatoes and make meals. Alternate chicken with potato, just potato, chicken with potato, etc. for your meals. Begin at 8:00 a.m. Your meal schedule looks like this: 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00. Take 300 mgs R-ALA and 100mgs VS with every meal. Take dandelion root and B-6 (or whatever diuretic supplement you chose) with meals one, three, and five.

Thursday — This is the second stage of the no-sodium carb loading phase. No cardio today. Meals are every two and half hours. Water allotment today is half to three-fourths of a gallon. Drink water after meals to avoid bloat. Chicken and sweet potato are prepared in the same manner. Meal times are 8:00, 10:30, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 8:30. (6:00 and 8:30 both have chicken.)

Take diuretics at meals one, three, and five again. If you look really bloated for some reason, double them in the late afternoon and take another double dose at night before bed. Don’t panic though, the next day is when you really tighten up and dry out, provided you’ve been following the above instructions to the letter.

Friday — We now enter the third stage of the no-sodium carb loading phase. Again, no cardio. Meals are every three hours. Water allotment today is one-fourth of a gallon. (Yes, this will suck!) Again, drink water after meals to avoid bloat. Prepare food the same way. Meal times are 8:00, 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00. Chicken is eaten at every meal.

Use discretion as to how much diuretic aid you use, and how much coffee to use in place of water to act as a diuretic. (Protein in every meal adds a diuretic effect as well.) A glass of red wine in the evening can also aid in expelling out some excess water the night before your "event," but you're not trying to get a buzz here!

Saturday — Today is your day! Time to show off! Now, look at yourself and ask, "What can I get away with?" Some kind of solid, starchy carb once or twice, preferably two smaller servings. Have chicken with the first meal. Bring in faster acting sugars prior to your event in the car on the way or upon arriving at the event. This will bring vascularity into play and help absorb the starchy carbs into the muscles. Take sips of water only to keep your mouth wet. Chew gum to avoid dry cottonmouth. Raisinettes and/or red wine seem to bring out vascularity quite nicely, so try one or both of these. Don’t go overboard with the Raisinettes and prepare to stun all onlookers!

Wrap Up
The seven day prep period doesn't sound like fun, but I guarantee you'll look your absolute best. It’s these final seven days that can really show off the hard work you put into lifting and dieting correctly. The average weight loss this last week is five to eight pounds. Those of you who hold more water and are "thick skinned" will tend to lose far more. Some just hold more water than others!

I recommend that you practice this once or twice before your event so that you can find out exactly what works for you by tinkering with the amounts.
When your event is over, make the transition back to water/salt/food a slow one, as you don’t want to shock your body too much. Your body will absorb all of these nutrients at an accelerated rate and you'll want to watch out for edema (very bad bloating of the extremities). So, take it slow and you should be just fine.

Remember, take pictures of yourself on your special day so that you have memories that will last a lifetime! Now go knock 'em dead!


The incredible Banana

The incredible Banana

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

200 students at a Twickenham school ( England ) were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system..

Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.

The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chroniclercases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has FOUR TIMES the protein, TWICE the carbohydrate, THREE TIMES the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!'


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Top 10 Nutrition Tips

Top 10 Nutrition Tips

  By Skip La Cour - Six-Time National Champion Bodybuilder

The organizing principles of good nutrition that will take this area of your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level!

Skip La Cour's Bodybuilding Nutrition
Skip La Cour's Bodybuilding Nutrition

1. Place A High Priority On Eating:

 You must place a very high priority on the way you eat if you want to take your physique to the next level. The way you eat is far more important than the way you train. You're in the gym for about an hour a day. It's what you do during those other 23 hours of the day that are going to make the biggest impact on your progress.

2. Burn More Calories:

 You must burn more calories than you eat if you want to lose body fat. It doesn't matter if almost all of the food you eat is good, healthy food, you must burn more than you eat or you'll get fat.

3. Don't Look For The "Perfect" Diet:

 Stop looking for the "perfect" diet. Nothing worth having in life comes without some sacrifice. Eating the way you must to build the body you want will be no exception. In the long run, it's the challenges that we face that makes what we have rewarding. How enjoyable would life be if everything was easy? When you start adhering to a particular eating regimen, anticipate the discipline, sacrifice, and discomfort that comes with the pursuit of any worthwhile goal.

4. Keep It Simple:

 Keep your diet simple. That way, you'll give yourself a better chance to follow through and ultimately achieve successful results. If you must make your diet more complex, do so on the weekends only.

5. Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals:

 Eat smaller, more frequent and well-balanced meals spaced evenly throughout the day. Your body will use the nutrients in your food more efficiently. You'll build more muscle and prevent body fat this way.

6. Eat Pre-Workout:

 If you want to make sure you preserve as much muscle mass as possible, you should start eating a small protein-based meal with high-gylcemic carbohydrates before every one of your weight training and cardiovascular training sessions.

7. Set A Time Limit:

 Set a time limit for your workout. Your weight training sessions should last no longer than one hour. More isn't better—not when it comes to bodybuilding and training.

8. Eat The Right Carbs:

 Carbohydrates serve as an essential part in the muscle-building process. Instead of trying to eliminate carbohydrates altogether, you should make sure you are
 eating the right types of carbohydrates at the right times of day. High-glycemic carbohydrates (potatoes, simple sugars are best before and after your workouts; low-glycemic carbohydrates like vegetables are great throughout the rest of the day.

9. Be Patient:

 If you are not getting the results you want with your diet, you'll need to raise your standards. You either need to do a "little more of this" or a "little less of that." You may also need to make these changes for a longer period of time.

10: Accept All Responsibility:

 Don't blame your diet when you aren't getting the results you want. Take 100 percent responsibility for your success and failure. Just about any eating program can be
 effective—if you follow through on a consistent basis. If you aren't getting the results you want, assume that the problem is in your approach.

About the Author
Skip La Cour

Skip La Cour

Skip La Cour is a six-time national champion bodybuilder. At the peak of his competitive career, he was the most recognized drug-free bodybuilder on the planet—and he continues to guide people as a proven leader all over the world as a bodybuilding and training success coach and as men’s leadership skills coach.

 He’s written 10 books; produced seven DVDs; and four audio seminar courses that have been sold in over 53 countries around the world.

 La Cour’s over 25 years of being heavily involved in the personal development/motivation business and over 20 years in the bodybuilding and fitness industry have given him the unique ability to create instant change for people who want to improve their body, mind, and spirit effectively, efficiently, and in the shortest period of time.

Click here for more information or to get your copy of Skip La Cour's Bodybuilding Nutrition:


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Friday, August 2, 2013

How to set up a generic fat loss diet

How to set up a generic fat loss diet

1. Create an appropriate caloric deficit/set caloric intake appropriately. This is only a start point. Some people will need less with modern day activity levels, some (athletes / body-builders) will need more. But in general 10-12 cals per pound is a good start point for a moderate deficit fat loss diet.
No need for fancy formulas, or postulating over your maintenance calorie intake as it varies from person to person. But a good starting point for most fat loss diets is 10-12 calories per pound of total bodyweight, so for someone weighing 200lb that's between 2000-2400 cals per day.

2. Set Protein Intake.
Protein should be prioritised on any diet, why? It's the most lean mass sparing macronutrient, it's highly satiating (keeps you feeling full), it's the least likely macro to be stored as fat, it keeps blood glucose levels stable, the list goes on...
Now protein should be set on total LBM, so the oft heard recommendation of 1g per pound of total bodyweight (2.2g/KG) isn't a bad starting point. But for lean individuals or those carrying a lot of mass anywhere from 1-1.5 g/lb (2.2-3.3 g/kg) is appropriate, for severely overweight individuals I still wouldn't go lower than 1g per lb for the reasons stated above.

3. Set dietary fat intake.
For most generic fat loss diets somewhere between 20-30% fat is adequate. This provides enough fat to keep hormones happyish whilst dieting, keeps you feeling full, helps with blood glucose levels again, and leaves some room for the essential fatty acids (EFA's). On the EFA front I'd recommend 6-10grams of standard strength fish oil caps to make sure you're getting plenty of omega 3, it has a host of health benefits and supposedly helps with fat loss, and "every little helps" as we know. So on 10-12 cals per lb that works out at 0.22-0.33g of fat per lb.

To recap for a 200lb man @ 15% BF (so 170lb LBM):

Calories: 200 lb * 12 cal/lb = 2400 calories/day
Protein: 170 lbs * 1.5 g/lb = 255 grams/day (1020 calories/day)
Fat: 200 lbs * 0.33 g/lb = 66 grams/day (594 calories/day)

You may have noticed I've not talked about carbs, that because: IT DEPENDS.

If you do you math on the above you see the 200lb man has 786cals left to meet his calorie target for the day. You could apportion these cals for carbs (about 200g's worth) if you find you operate well on carbs and it keeps you training intensely, or you could just whack in the extra cals as fat and go ketogenic.

In truth, both will work just as well (it's the same calories!!!!) but people's compliance with a diet can vary dramatically, some prefer carbs, other prefer keto, others prefer lower carbs and more fat. IT DEPENDS.

Essentially there is no right or wrong way, as long as you're within the ballpark of the recommendations above.  ____________________________________________________________________________

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