Monday, June 1, 2009

Fat Loss Debate: Hale vs. Harmony

The following article features a discussion between Susan Harmony Ph.D and myself. Susan sent me an e-mail informing me that I had misrepresented the science concerning exercise and saturated fat. Excerpts from our first debate were featured in last week’s newsletter. In this article I present our second debate. Susan’s comments appear in bold between the quotation marks.

"You obviously have much to learn." If you read my work I think you will find I have learned quiet a bit. Although I would agree I still have much to learn. As long as my brain is functioning I will attempt to keep on learning. Learning should be a life long process. Once an individual admits they have much to learn this process can continue. If a person assumes they have learned enough then learning usually comes to a stop.

"To remove bodyfat you need to use it as fuel. The muscle fibers that are fuelled by fat ('slow twitch' fibers ) are the ones that produce GENTLE movements" You don’t have to learn how to use fuel. Are you aware that you are burning fuel 24 hours per day? When you are sitting doing absolutely nothing you are burning fuel. Many tissues can use free fatty acids for fuel not just slow twitch muscle fibers. Losing bodyfat relies on way more than activity of the slow twitch muscle fibers (how about cal deficit). Do you realize to use slow twitch muscle fibers nervous stimulation is required (CNS requires cals although not fat calories)? High intensity exercise often results in a lower RQ (indicating higher proportion of fat) than low intensity exercise post-workout. Below is a brief description of what occurs during mobilization of stored fat and oxidation of fatty acids: The following is an excerpt from Fat Burning How it Works by Jamie Hale. I added a few additional comments to make the information more precise.

- Bodies 2 major stores of fat that provide .......

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